Want free porn? Then stop hogging all the hot water.
In honor of Earth Day, RedTube has come up with a new way to try and entice users to save water: by offering a week’s worth of their premium subscription. All you have to do is take shorter showers.
It’s pretty easy. All you have to do is download their Save Water Challenge app, press “start” when you’re about to jump in the shower, and “stop” when you finish. The app awards points based on how quickly you can lather, rinse, and repeat. Once you accrue a certain number of points, you’re awarded a week of free porn.
Obviously, it would be pretty easy to game this particular promotion, if you’re the type of person who would do something like that just for a week’s worth of free porn. But there’s actually some real good you can do by being a little more conscious about how long you’re in the shower.
According to the World Health Organization, “844 million people lack even a basic drinking-water service,” and over 2 billion people drink water contaminated with feces. A mere five minutes shaved off your shower time can save 100 liters of clean, drinkable water.
This isn’t the first time a porn site has come up with some a pretty random free porn promotion to celebrate a holiday. Just last December, Pornhub made their premium subscription free for the entire eight days of Hanukkah. Naturally, the promotion was called “Eight Crazy Nights.”
Now that RedTube is hopping on the holiday publicity train, we’re wondering what’s next for holiday-themed porn promotions. Our bets are on food themes. Perhaps unlimited viewing of all porn involving mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving? Or hot dog porn on the Fourth of July? Based on what porn users were into last year, we wouldn’t be surprised if there’s already a market for both of these. After all, if you can imagine a specific type of porn, chances are it probably already exists.
Regardless of whether you decide to take advantage of RedTube’s promotion, we recommend paying for your porn. If you do decide to download the Save The Water app, you stand to earn a week’s worth of premium porn, all while saving the world. It truly is a win-win.