Celebrity Fitness: Get in Shape with the Stars - Men's Health Magazine Australia

Celebrity fitness

Discover the secrets of celebrity fitness and how they stay in shape. Explore our articles on celebrity workout routines and health tips.
Henry Cavill’s complete workout routine and diet plan

Henry Cavill’s complete workout routine and diet plan

IF YOU’RE GOING to copy a celebrity’s fitness routine, you can do a lot worse than the guy who has played the man of steel in Superman, Geralt in The Witcher, and, if the rumours are to be believed, James Bond. Henry Cavill is one of Hollywood’s most stacked leading...

How Tom Holland got fit for ‘Spider-Man’

How Tom Holland got fit for ‘Spider-Man’

TO PLAY A superhero in a blockbuster film, you have to look the part. That held true for Tom Holland in his third round of playing Spider-Man in Spider-Man: No Way Home. The character might not be the most jacked of all the classic superheroes, but that doesn't mean...

35 fitness quotes to push you through your toughest workouts

35 fitness quotes to push you through your toughest workouts

"FIVE MORE MINUTES," you whisper to yourself as you hit the snooze button and roll over. You were supposed to be at the gym 10 minutes ago, pounding through a set of biceps curls. Instead, you’re still in bed, and this is far from the first time you’ve allocated...

Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy

Osher Günsberg on how to redirect distracting sexual energy

BEFORE KURT RUSSELL attempted an Escape from New York, before he battled The Thing, he starred in the underrated comedy Used Cars. Early in the movie, he is given some of the greatest wisdom a young man could hope to hear: “Don’t let the little head do the thinking...
