Here Are 38 Life Lessons From A 38-Year-Old Who Wished He Did It Differently | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Here Are 38 Life Lessons From A 38-Year-Old Who Wishes He Did It Differently

No doubt as you get older, you’ll start to reflect on your regrets; the things you wish you did differently and the mistakes that proved costly. So to mark his 38th birthday, one man has compiled a list of 38 life lessons he’s learnt from his time on earth. And twitter is getting behind him. 

The main theme? Take care of yourself. 

London local Declan Cashin took to his 29,000 Twitter followers to share the list of things he had “learned or learned to accept” in his lifetime.

While many seem practical and encourage you to help others, for the most part, the advice reflects on the fickle nature of one’s health, emphasising the need to look after yourself. 

Cashin urged readers to “get a therapist, if you can. Everyone. Even if you think you don’t need one. Especially if you think you don’t need one.”

The Twittersphere was quick to respond, describing it as “inspirational” and “hilarious”.

Cashin, who actually works for the social media network, welcomed “mockery and trolling” for his efforts. But he didn’t expect his pearls of wisdom to be so relevant to his followers. 

Cashin encouraged spectators to “go easy” on themselves and to stop comparing themselves to others. 

Twitter /@Tweet_Dec

To go with his sage advice, Cashin reflects on the financial pressures of life and the toll it can take on you. 

“Debt is an absolutely soul-destroying problem,” he wrote.

“It stops you from living your life. I’ve spent most of my thirties tackling and living with personal debt. Credit card debt is especially horrific. 18-24 month 0% interest balance transfer credit cards are your friend, at least temporarily.”

Declan Cashin


While he offered more obvious advice such as seeing a dentist and reading more books, he also touched on the darker side of existence, speaking about the perils of not having a life partner.

“I’m now 38 and i’ve never been in a relationship. Ever. Not for longer than 2-3 months, and even then t didn’t give it my full heart,” he continued.

“I sabotage everything that even comes close to being a relationship. I struggle to even go on dates. Im working on it, I swear. It’s the fucking work of a lifetime for me, and i’m sure it is for others too.”

Decland Cashin


However, his final screenshot did offer an explanation for the sometimes desolate advice: “I’ve been on anti-depressants for five years now. Not sure if they’re working or not, I don’t know anything, really, when it comes to mental health, only that i’m willing to try whatever I can to stay steady and relatively healthy.”


His followers applauded the honest and open, albeit bleak, list, commending him for his candidness.

Declan responded to the overwhelming support, thanking onlookers for “being kind and thoughtful.”

If depression is affecting your life or you need someone to talk to, please do not suffer in silence. Support is available here.

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

Beyondblue: 1300 224 636

This article originally appeared on Men’s Health