Sex Study Reveals The Kinky Things Women Want You to Say During Sex | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Sex Study Reveals The Kinky Things Women Want You to Say During Sex

A sex survey out of the United Kingdom has revealed the kinkiest things women want men to say during sex. 

The survey of 5,000 people, conducted by, quizzed men and women on their sexual habits and preferences and found that women in 2017 want it extremely kinky between the sheets. 

Surprisingly (for women, not men), the most popular answer women gave when asked what they enjoy their partner saying in bed was making them “call him daddy.”

Among the other answers, women confessed they love being told “how tight it is” and “how much he’s enjoying it,” according to the survey.

The survey also asked participants the “top kinky things they like to do together.” The acts that topped the list include anal, sex toys, talking dirty and location sex. 

When asked what they wanted most in a partner, women revealed they’re looking for large penises, athletic builds and being tall, while for men, their top answers included slim figures, big asses and firm boobs. 


Perhaps the scariest stat in the whole study, however, was that 33 per cent of women and 40 per cent of men admitting to have cheated on their current partner.