Normatec’s Recovery Boots Are The Perfect Way To End Leg Day - Men's Health Magazine Australia

Normatec’s Recovery Boots Are The Perfect Way To End Leg Day

Get to know the greatest tool in your recovery arsenal, aka, The God Gloves.


I’m sitting on my couch right now, hours after yet another fierce leg day workout, and my legs feel like lead. The soreness is real after five sets of heavy trap bar deadlifts and four sets per side of Bulgarian split squats, so no—I don’t want to move right now. 

This doesn’t mean I’m not recovering; in fact, right now, I’m pushing towards some of the most valuable recovery I’ve ever had on a leg day. Right now, I’m in a pair of massive, oversized boots that run all the way from my toes to my hips. These boots are methodically inflating and deflating with air—a process that’ll repeat many times over the next 30 minutes [more realistically 90 minutes after I repeat the cycle]. It feels like a gentle massage of air fingers on every lower-body muscle I have—and this sensation feels terrific on my very sore hamstrings. 

None of this is a new sensation, because compression boots have been around for several years . And yet these particular boots, the Normatec PRO 2.0 Leg System, made by Hyperice, have still managed to find a unique niche. 

Why? Because thanks to the Normatec PRO 2.0 Leg System (or God’s Gloves as my mates now call them), this gentle air massage has never been more available. Air compression boots are increasingly popular for post-workout recovery (and NRL players increasingly revere them), but the tech that runs all this has long been somewhat elusive, exclusive to ‘recovery centres’ and professional dressing rooms. 

That’s not an issue with the Normatec boots, which are all about accessibility. The mainstream system will take about 30 seconds to set up out of the box—and offers up plenty of comfort for legs that are sore from lifting, running 10 km, or just a long day at work. 

Simple AF. 

In a world full of overly complex tech, Normatec hones in on simplicity. The boots plug into a surprisingly small control unit, and the touch screen display is uncluttered. You simply choose a time for your compression therapy, select a level of intensity, and press a “Start/Stop” button to begin the process. 

The entire setup screams no frills. This isn’t a device that’s trying to push you to micromanage your recovery—and that’s just fine. Yes, after some workouts, I want a very nuanced program, and I want to control everything. But the God Gloves are also built for people who aren’t athletes. Had a rough day at work? Did you just take on a longer run than you ever have? In these situations, you may just want to skip the details and fast-forward to the relaxing recovery—and that’s precisely where Normatec comes in. 

Here’s how air compression boots work. 

All iterations of Normatec boots work off the same key recovery principles, alternately limiting and then allowing blood flow. As each chamber in the boots fills with air and compresses more tightly, it prevents a large amount of blood from circulating through that part of your body. So when the boots tighten around your feet first and then your calves, your blood flow to those areas is limited. As this compression continues around your entire leg, you’re left with even more limited blood flow. 

But just a moment after all that, Normatec methodically deflates, permitting blood to travel first into your thighs, then down through your lower legs, then into your feet. This onrush of blood theoretically brings with it nutrients that can help your legs recover efficiently. And of course, it feels great. 

There’s limited definitive science that proves that compression boots do actively speed up your lower-body recovery. Despite that, Normatec boots (and other compression boots) do have value. I’m feeling this right now, too, as my legs are propped up on my couch. 

The end result is definitely relaxing—and that’s allowing my nervous system to downregulate, and this downregulation has definite recovery value. 

In part because the compression boots category isn’t new, Normatec pours itself into the little details. The result is a series of tiny conveniences that enhance the user experience. 

That starts with an ultra-hygienic, easy-to-clean construction. Recovery boots traditionally have several “compartments” that inflate one at a time, and these are separated by some light stitching. Moisture and sweat can collect in the areas between these compartments, though, so Normatec designs around that, “hiding” its chamber overlaps. This makes for easy cleaning, an underrated plus in this era. 

Another smart design decision: The construction of the cables that link boots to the control unit. Normatec’s cables are resilient, protecting them from fold and bend. That means you can easily coil them up, and you can also move the control unit anywhere you want in a heartbeat. 

Coupled with the tiny control unit, the durable cables have one more benefit too: Normatec’s unit may be the most travel-friendly recovery boots on the market. That’s worth noting for anyone looking to take a road trip and keep up with a frantic and challenging training schedule. 

It’s a low-maintenance pair of recovery boots. And if you’ve had a long day at work, that’s a very good thing. 

For more details and to purchase the Normatec Recovery Boots, visit the official website here

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