This is The Type of Porn Most Women Prefer – and You Won't Believe It | Men's Health Magazine Australia

This is The Type of Porn Most Women Prefer – and You Won’t Believe It

Since we know it’s a total myth that women don’t watch porn, Buzzfeed and Pornhub teamed up to see exactly which sexy scenes women are searching for, and the results might surprise you.

Despite the stereotype that men love lesbian porn (it’s the 6th most popular search on the site), women are actually the ones who are searching it out in droves. In fact, they’re 132 percent more likely to search for lesbian porn than men are. While the data doesn’t differentiate between gay, straight or bisexual women who are searching these terms, the numbers are so overwhelmingly high that it’s clear many heterosexual women are looking at it, too.

So if lesbian porn is in your browser history, does that mean you’re actually attracted to females and want to try a same-sex hookup? It’s a lot more complicated than that, says sex therapist Dr Megan Fleming, “Porn is a safe way to realise what turns you on, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you want to do it in real life,” she explains.

Fantasy is a huge part of what is appealing about porn. Plus, lesbian porn is more likely to feature a sensual vibe, sex toys, and extended foreplay and less likely to show degrading or exploitative situations that are more the norm in porn that’s targeted to heterosexual men. “In lesbian porn, there really is a focus on oral sex and clitoral stimulation as the main event,” Fleming explains. And since this is typically what gets most women off anyway, it’s no wonder this is what you like to see on screen.

Plus, it’s a common complaint that male partners don’t take enough time to warm up a woman before sex, so lesbian porn can also be a gentle nudge if you’re watching it together with your partner. (Hey – see that? And how it turns me on? Yeah, do that, please.)

The takeaway here is that women are looking for porn that appeals to their needs. Since a lot of male/female porn doesn’t address what straight women desire, it makes sense that they’d look elsewhere. 

This article was originally published on

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