Mastering This Simple Trick Will Make You Better at Sex and More Women Want to Sleep With You | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Mastering This Simple Trick Will Make You Better at Sex and More Women Want to Sleep With You

Kiss, take off her clothes, a tiny bit of foreplay, intercourse then sleep.


If your sex routine has become a paint-by-numbers affair it might be time to start mixing it up. 

But forget about the ‘sex’ part of sexual intercourse – it’s what you’re doing (or not doing) after sex that’s letting you down.

You’ve heard of foreplay, but have you ever heard of “afterplay”? Afterplay doesn’t have the hot anticipation of foreplay nor the wildness of intercourse, but it’s a time where you can kiss, cuddle and simply bathe in the afterglow of a top-notch sex session.

Related: Foreplay 101 – How to Blow Her Mind Tonight

There’s even science to back it up: according to researchers at the University of Kansas, women ranked afterplay to be just as important as foreplay and ranked both foreplay and afterplay to be more enjoyable than sex. 

The women in the study also revealed that if they know a guy will be particularly attentive to their needs before and after sex, they’d be more willing to please their man. We assume this means a mutual orgasm as you ride off into the sunset, or something.

So if you want to keep your partner satisfied, follow this simple rule: sex isn’t over after ejaculation. Sex is only over after afterplay. Got it? Okay, now you have our permission to roll over and hit the hay.