Player Beware, Fortnite Video Game Could Lead To Divorce | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Player Beware, Your Favourite Video Game Could Lead To Divorce

When the word ‘divorce’ comes up in convo, it’s usually followed by one (or all) of the three I’s: intimacy issues, infidelity or irreconcilable differences.

Which is why we were taken aback by the news that one of the most commonly cited reasons to split in 2018, is not listed above.

According to a recent report by Divorce Online, more than 200 couples this year alone have filed for divorce citing gaming addition as the culprit. In particular, Fortnite (arguably the hottest video game in the world right now) was brought up a lot.

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“These numbers equate to roughly 5 per cent of the 4,665 petitions we have handled since the beginning of the year and as one of the largest filers of divorce petitions in the UK is a pretty good indicator,” a rep for the company explained.

Sure, it’s probs a safe bet there were issues within these marriages beforeFortnite came along. But considering we’re only ¾ of the way through the year, these stats are not good.

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And the most concerning part? It’s not just romantic relationships that are being affected. It’s the health and well-being of the players too.

Back in June, the World Health Organisation listed gaming addition in general as a potentially harmful tech-related behaviour. They advise it can lead to insufficient physical activity, an unhealthy diet, difficulties with eyesight and hearing, musculoskeletal problems, sleep deprivation, aggressive behaviour and depression.

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