Pornhub is now offering premium porn for free to women during their periods, states their latest press release.
Aptly named ‘F*ck Your Period’, the porn site is launching an educational campaign promoting the benefits of orgasming during the menstrual cycle.
“To encourage women to masturbate during menstruation, Pornhub is supplying female users with free access to its high-definition, on-demand streaming service, Pornhub Premium, for the duration of their period,” writes the adult website.
“When it comes to finding relief for the often insufferable symptoms of having a period – intense abdominal pain, headaches, irritability, volatile mood swings and nausea – many women are split on one very divisive issue – period sex.
“The F*ck Your Period campaign invites those who may prefer to orgasm sans partner during this time of the month to enjoy these benefits through self-pleasuring, Pornhub’s preferred method of self-care.”
Speaking to Women’s Health Magazine, Dr Logan Levkoff says there are great benefits to masturbating on your period.
“An orgasm can help you sleep,” says the relationship and sexuality expert. “There are a lot of health benefits.”
“I don’t think it’s why you should, it’s why wouldn’t you?”
Orgasms can also decrease menstrual cramps. During climax, your body releases dopamine and oxytocin—a natural pain reliever that can subdue period cramps (another reason for sex?)
By completing a questionnaire, the website is able to figure out the the beginning and duration of the female’s period.
When that day arrives, Pornhub will invite them to enjoy full access to Pornhub Premium for the remainder of their period. This promotion will be available for three months.
If you’re unsure about sex on your period, check out the most common questions answered.