DR RENA MALIK is a YouTuber and podcaster who uses her expertise as a urologist and pelvic surgeon to dispel misinformation and help people have a healthier, more pleasurable sex life. In a new video, she addresses one possible way to close the "orgasm gap" in...
Take Your Workout To The Bedroom With This Online Calculator
While few things kill the mood quite as quickly as checking your Fitbit while engaged in the act of sex, we get it: sometimes you just want to know the stats behind your wild and euphoric romp between the sheets. From those endurance sessions to the steamy makeouts...
The sexual position ‘scientifically proven’ to make women climax the most
The sexual position ‘scientifically proven’ to make women climax the most
Dr Rena Malik breaks down the research behind the best position to help your partner reach orgasm every time.
Take Your Workout To The Bedroom With This Online Calculator
Take Your Workout To The Bedroom With This Online Calculator
Sex might just be the one exercise that never sees our motivation wane and when it comes to torching calories, this online calculator now lets you know just how many are burnt with your favourite position.