Hugh Jackman is in full Wolverine mode right now. The 54-year-old actor is set to reprise his role as the menacing mutant in Deadpool 3, and he's busy eating and exercising to bulk up for the part. The exercise part has seen him enter into an 'arms' race with...
Daniel Radcliffe Has Finally Addressed Those Wolverine Rumours
For Daniel Radcliffe, his acting career has been a difficult one to mould. Having been cast as Harry Potter in the famed franchise, most of us grew up watching his bespectacled face age on the screen, finding his features synonymous with the wizard from Hogwarts. But...
Hugh Jackman Shares His Daily Calories as He Bulks up to Play Wolverine Again
Hugh Jackman Shares His Daily Calories as He Bulks up to Play Wolverine Again
The 54-year-old actor breaks down his macros ahead of his role in 'Deadpool 3'
Daniel Radcliffe Has Finally Addressed Those Wolverine Rumours
Daniel Radcliffe Has Finally Addressed Those Wolverine Rumours
“This is something that has come up every so often for the last few years.”