That we used to bemoan going to bed in our youth is a source of regret. If only we knew that adulthood would see us barely register a “solid” night’s sleep for the foreseeable future without the help of heavy medication or prescribed sleeping pills, we would’ve stored up a bank of well-rested hours to draw on in the future. But back then, a bedtime was something to be protested and lack of sleep was worn like a badge of honour. How times have changed.
With the majority of the population reeling from lack of sleep, anything that promises a well-rested evening’s slumber is worth paying attention to. Aside from actually getting enough sleep, having a morning that sees us actually throw the duvet off with energy and enthusiasm is something we can only dream of. In 2021, is anyone waking up refreshed? If so, we demand answers.
Thanks to Dr Karan Raj, an NHS surgeon, we might just have our solution. In a recent post made to TikTok, the doctor suggested that the key to a good sleep isn’t the material you’re sleeping in, high thread-count sheets or pillows, but rather 90 minute sleep cycles. Dr Raj explained, “Every night your brain moves through several sleep cycles. Each cycle starts with light sleep, then you enter deep sleep, then dream then back to light. Each of these cycles is around 90 minutes.”
According to Dr Raj, if you wake up at the end of a sleep cycle, you’ll feel the benefits, as opposed to setting an alarm for mid-way through a sleep cycle. “You’ll feel most refreshed if you wake up at the end of one of these 90 minute cycles. It’s because you’re closest to your normal waking sleep state.”
So, just when is the best time to get up then? According to Dr Raj, you need to work backwards. “To increase the chances of this, first work out what time you want to wake up – let’s say 8am – work backwards in 90 minute slots until you’re close to the time you want to sleep. Try this if you want to wake up feeling refreshed,” he added.
It might sound like a mathematical problem too vexing to spend time over, but thankfully there are smart watches, wearables and apps that do the handwork for you. These trackers will ensure you wake up in alignment with the natural end of a sleep cycle. Alternatively, you can always scroll through TikTok’s feed, heeding all the advice about sleep you can find.
Just recently, Dr Jess Andrade, a resident doctor, explained that wearing socks to bed is a pretty good idea if you’re after a rested sleep, too. Aside from making your feet warm, doing so opens up the blood vessels that cools the body down. This then tells the brain that it’s time for bed, meaning people who wear socks to bed generally tend to fall asleep faster.
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When it comes to a good night’s sleep that promises to leave us refreshed the next day, we’ll take all the advice we can get.