If you’ve ever left something in the back of an Uber, you’ll know the panic that comes with the realisation you’ve done so as the driver speeds off, weaving in and out of traffic. Though we only have ourselves to blame for such a lapse in judgment, the feeling of having misplaced something and not knowing just how or when we’ll get it back is not enjoyable territory to occupy. Thankfully, the app makes it a lot easier to track down lost items than say, a taxi cab whose number plate you didn’t think to memorise. But if you’ve ever wondered just what people are leaving during their Uber rides, the ride sharing company has lifted the lid and let us tell you, the list is quietly terrifying.
The trove of forgotten items include photos from a trip to the zoo, an esky, a work shirt from Woolies, a whole surfboard, a single piece of LEGO and even a small sword. Yeah, the jury isn’t out yet on the last one. If all that wasn’t enough, other items forgotten across Australia include a black thong (naturally), blonde clip-in extensions, an RM Williams belt, and a pair of Budgy Smuggler swimmers (to the person who lost these, best leave them in the Lost and Found bin).
The list certainly does paint an interesting picture of the various people hailing Ubers in the modern age. And it makes you think, we really do take our Uber drivers for granted. You can only hope they were tipped generously when having to drive around with a surfboard knocking their head. The list also includes a glass eye someone left in the back of the car, a doll head, the right foot of a pair of Christian Louboutins, a set of bagpipes (sorry?!), a “fairly big” pearl, and styrofoam letters that spell out “Will You Marry Me?”
If anything, this just proves to always check the backseat before getting out of an Uber. We thought leaving a phone or wallet behind was bad, but spare a thought for the guy walking around sans glass eye.
So, what to do if you do leave something in an Uber? The best way to retrieve a lost item is to call the driver – but if you leave your phone itself in the car, you can login to your account on a computer.
Here’s what to do:
- Tap “Your Trips” and select the trip where you left something
- Tap “I lost an item”
- Tap “Contact driver about a lost item”
- Scroll down and enter the phone number you would like to be contacted at. Tap submit.
- If you lost your personal phone, enter a friend’s phone number (you can do this by logging into your account on a computer, or using a friend’s phone).
- Your phone will ring and connect you directly with your driver’s mobile number.
- If your driver picks up and confirms that your item has been found, coordinate a mutually convenient time and place to meet for its return to you. If your driver doesn’t pick up, leave a detailed voicemail describing your item and the best way to contact you.
These simple steps are outlined in this video, which you can refer to next time you think you’ve left something behind.