We regularly check the scales to see whether our weight’s fluctuating. When it creeps up, we think we’ve put on weight and we’re getting unhealthy. Findings out of England suggest otherwise.
New research out of York University’s Faculty of Health is showing that physical exercise is more important than the number in between your feet.
According to the recent study, participants who are classed as severely obese but are fit are similarly healthy as those who weigh considerably less. Findings suggest that despite being overweight, individuals can be fit and healthy.
“Obesity is only related with worse health in individuals who were unfit,” says associate professor in York’s University’s School of Kinesiology and Health Science, Jennifer Kuk.
“We know that once you get beyond a BMI of 40, the risk of cardiovascular conditions increase exponentially so this study shows that having a high fitness level is still beneficial and it really reinforces the importance of fitness.”
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While 150 minutes of physical exercise can result in weight loss, the effects of working out had more positive implications for your heart health.
“You really have to disconnect the body weight from the importance of fitness. You can get fit without losing weight and have health benefits,” adds Kuk.
The study monitored 853 Canadian patients – 41 per cent were classed as mildly obese with high fitness levels while 25 per cent and 11 per cent were moderately and severely obese respectfully but with high fitness levels. Participants with strong fitness levels despite being obese could avoid health problems like high blood pressure.
While your health might be in tact, if you’re looking to shed the kilos to get a more desirable rig, check out the 9 weight loss rules that work.