Fitness - Men's Health Magazine Australia


The best workout routines, training tips, and fitness culture coverage you can find anywhere. We’re here to help you build into the best version of yourself.

The best Hoka running shoes of 2025, ranked

The best Hoka running shoes of 2025, ranked

IT'S HARD TO believe that Hoka was only founded in 2009. The brand doesn’t have nearly a century of history behind it like Nike or Adidas, and yet, it’s already mentioned in the same breath as them as one of the best performance footwear providers. Hoka is...

How many reps does it take to build muscle?

How many reps does it take to build muscle?

BUILDING MUSCLE TAKES a plan. If you schlep to the gym four times a week, pick up a random pair of dumbbells, and do a few sets of random reps for a handful of exercises, your results aren’t going to last. One of the details that matters most when trying to add muscle...

The best Hoka running shoes of 2025, ranked

The best Hoka running shoes of 2025, ranked

IT'S HARD TO believe that Hoka was only founded in 2009. The brand doesn’t have nearly a century of history behind it like Nike or Adidas, and yet, it’s already mentioned in the same breath as them as one of the best performance footwear providers. Hoka is...

Tom Holland’s Mammoth 1,500-rep bodyweight ladder workout

Tom Holland’s Mammoth 1,500-rep bodyweight ladder workout

WITH A BACKGROUND in gymnastics, BAFTA award winning actor and current UK MH cover star Tom Holland is no stranger to a spot of bodyweight training. This workout though, straight from Holland's trainer, Duffy Gaver, is enough to make even the most...