In the late 1960s, a young doctor named Bruce Greyson was eating spaghetti in a hospital cafeteria when his pager went off. Startled by the noise, Greyson dropped his fork, splashing tomato sauce everywhere, including on his tie. He cursed under his breath as he wiped...
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What This Researcher Learnt From People Who Have ‘Died’ And Come Back
What This Researcher Learnt From People Who Have ‘Died’ And Come Back
What happens when you die? It’s a question all intelligent mortal beings ask themselves at some point. The best people to ask? Those that have died and come back and, in many cases, changed their lives as a result. We sat down with one of the world’s leading researchers into Near-Death Experiences to discover what he’s learned from those who’ve met their maker and lived to tell the tale.