“I’m sorry, honey. I fucked up.” I was crying and still in shock. My wife tried to console me. It was an accident, she said. A crazy, unpredictable accident. No one was at fault. I knew she was right about the first part. In my last moment with two intact knees, I...
A Sports Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Joints
Yes, run I regularly run the four kays home from work. It doesn’t wreck my knees. In fact, it may help them. Some studies show that running may have some positive effects for joints, if your cartilage and alignment are healthy. That said, the more old trauma there is,...
How You Can Adjust Your Training to Protect Your Knees
How You Can Adjust Your Training to Protect Your Knees
Lou Schuler, a fitness author, worked out hard all
his life. That may be what caused him to
suffer a sudden injury. Here’s how you can adjust
your training to prevent a similar catastrophe.
A Sports Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Joints
A Sports Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Joints
Here's what you need to know.