Sport demands a lot of its stars. From the gruelling training sessions that see players sacrifice time with family and a personal life for those spent working tirelessly on their skills and fitness, to the incessant touring around the world that revolves solely around...
Pat Cummins’s Post-Ashes Victory Gesture Was All-Class
There once was a time where the Ashes had us on the edge of our seats, a nail-biting affair that saw countries divided over one small urn and its contains. From the glory years of Freddie Flintoff and Shane Warne, to Ricky Ponting and Graham Swan, the fierce rivalry...
Pat Cummins is Distancing Himself From This Cricket Australia Sponsor: Here’s Why
Pat Cummins is Distancing Himself From This Cricket Australia Sponsor: Here’s Why
As a committed climate action advocate, Australian Test caption Pat Cummins has said he will no longer feature in any promotional material.
Pat Cummins’s Post-Ashes Victory Gesture Was All-Class
Pat Cummins’s Post-Ashes Victory Gesture Was All-Class
Cementing his status as both top sportsman and leader, Pat Cummins made a classy gesture during the post-match celebrations following Australia’s thrashing of England.