WHEN ADAM SCOTT WON THE MASTERS, it was the culmination of a lifelong dream. After three days of tense competition at Georgia’s Augusta National Golf Club, Scott rolled in a 25-foot birdie on the 72nd hole amid a steady barrage of misty rain, carding a three under par...
6 Common Misconceptions About Skin Cancer, Set Straight
With a health condition as common as skin cancer, widespread myths and misconceptions must be quashed to keep Australians safe in the sun and confident in their skin. Skin cancer is a bigger issue than many people realise. The 2021 TAL SpotChecker Australian Skin...
Adam Scott is still chasing dreams
Adam Scott is still chasing dreams
Where do you go once you’ve reached the apex of your sport? For golfing royalty Adam Scott, the only possible answer is onward.
6 Common Misconceptions About Skin Cancer, Set Straight
6 Common Misconceptions About Skin Cancer, Set Straight
What you need to know about skin cancer to protect yourself.