Health Archives: Men's Health Australia


Health is your body's premium resource. Here’s how to take care of every part of it – from protecting your heart to injury-proofing your joints
How to grow a goatee – from shaving to styling

How to grow a goatee – from shaving to styling

SOMETHING OF A classic, the goatee beard has found fame because it hits the sweet spot for those who find a full beard is a bit too lumberjack and a clean-shaven face feels a bit too secondary school. Whether you’re aiming for a sharp, well-defined look or a more...

Finasteride: does it regrow hair and what are the side effects?

Finasteride: does it regrow hair and what are the side effects?

WHILE THE BALD positivity movement has gained momentum, for some men, hair loss remains a painful source of distress. For those struggling with thinning or receding hairlines, treatments like finasteride can be life-changing. Finasteride, often hailed as a 'game...
