PSA: Model Alexis Ren Is Back To Her Instagram Best

PSA: Model Alexis Ren Is Back To Her Instagram Best

"Haven't had much to post, but... so freakin' happy to be in the tropics again" - by Ken Adams


Instagram model, activewear mogul, and overall media sensation Alexis Ren has been noticeably quieter on Instagram of late. You’ve probably noticed. And you’re probably a bit disheartened.

But don’t let it get you down, it’s simply because she hasn’t had anything to post.
Luckily, a quick trip to the tropics has changed our fortunes, and the model is back to the forefront of our feeds, back to her regular posting schedule.

“Haven’t had much to post, but headin [sic] somewhere tropical with one of my favourites,” teased Ren last week. Since then, she’s been back in force, giving her 12 million fans an overdue boost of tropical content.

Ren rose to fame a few years ago, after her travels with then boyfriend Jay Alvarez went viral. The First Couple of Instagram were a marketing dream, before they abruptly broke up in 2016. Ren made worldwide headlines with a Twitter rant early last year ended with her posting “He’s got a small d*ck too”.

Ren has since carved out her own solo empire, with her fitness and beauty videos racking upwards of 1 million views each. It seems her followers are keen to emulate her lifestyle and workouts in any way they can.

Ren has also been lending her profile to important causes close to her heart, such as funding for children’s community centres.

We’re happy she’s finally found some more to post, and headed to warmer waters.

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