health Archives - Men's Health Magazine Australia

The 7 essential building blocks for muscle health

The 7 essential building blocks for muscle health

The 7 essential building blocks for muscle health

BUILDING MUSCLE IS about more than just exercising around the clock. In fact, studies show that exercise alone isn’t enough to get practical muscle-building results. From Australian fitness culture to high-protein diets gaining increasing recognition, understanding...

Weight-loss drugs saved me from alcoholism

Weight-loss drugs saved me from alcoholism

THE DAY JOE Breen realised he had a problem, he was standing at the top of the stairs in his Massachusetts home during a classic case of man vs. spider web, trying to get rid of the unwelcome visitor near the ceiling. As he remembers it, he was using a broom to sweep...

How exercise fuels brain plasticity and trauma recovery for men

How exercise fuels brain plasticity and trauma recovery for men

  TRAUMA CAN DEREGULATE the autonomic nervous system (ANS), leaving people in a state of hyperarousal, which can increase anxiety and depression and fuel substance use as a maladaptive coping mechanism. Physical exercise is key to stabilising the ANS and promoting...

Sunshine is both good and bad for your health

Sunshine is both good and bad for your health

TRUE: OUR BODIES need sunshine to survive. Also true: sun exposure is on the list of the 256 cancer-causing agents. So, how good for you is sunshine really? The general conversation around sunshine typically centers on us getting too much of it. And, if you've ever...
