Hugh Jackman is in full Wolverine mode right now. The 54-year-old actor is set to reprise his role as the menacing mutant in Deadpool 3, and he's busy eating and exercising to bulk up for the part. The exercise part has seen him enter into an 'arms' race with...
Hugh Jackman Shares Insight into His Bulk-Up Diet Ahead of Wolverine Return
Transforming into Wolverine is as much a physical challenge as it is a theatrical one. Just ask the actor who has held the role for more than two decades, and will again be sporting a pair of Adamantium claws in Deadpool 3, Hugh Jackman. He's previously revealed how...
Inside The Complete Workout Routine That Got Hugh Jackman In Wolverine Shape
Hollywood has created many a transformation when it comes to actors either bulking up or slimming down for a role. And while most tend to entertain such notions only to lose the gains immediately post-production, when it comes to Hugh Jackman, the golden child of...
Hugh Jackman Shares His Daily Calories as He Bulks up to Play Wolverine Again
The 54-year-old actor breaks down his macros ahead of his role in 'Deadpool 3'
Hugh Jackman Shares Insight into His Bulk-Up Diet Ahead of Wolverine Return
‘I've split my pants three times,’ Jackman said.
Inside The Complete Workout Routine That Got Hugh Jackman In Wolverine Shape
When Hugh Jackman launched onto the screen as Wolverine, he immediately became the aspirational figure for fitness enthusiasts and gym rats everywhere. Here’s everything you need to know about the workout that got him in such fighting-fit shape.