THE WORDS ‘MEDITERRANEAN DIET’ doubtlessly conjure up images of a wide range of delicious foods and idyllic settings in your mind. After all, the Med has been described as more of a lifestyle than a diet. And even if you’re not downing seafood and pasta to your...
The Mediterranean diet Isn’t Just Kind To Your Waist, It’s Good For Your Sex Life Too
The fitness world loves a diet trend, but discerning between the fads and those that actually promise lasting, sustainable results can be a difficult challenge. Where it used to be the case that food was just fuel, now science is looking at the myriad ways we can...
Is the Mediterranean diet all it’s cracked up to be?
Is the Mediterranean diet all it’s cracked up to be?
After years in the limelight, the Mediterranean diet’s moment in the sun could finally be coming to an end.
The Mediterranean diet Isn’t Just Kind To Your Waist, It’s Good For Your Sex Life Too
The Mediterranean diet Isn’t Just Kind To Your Waist, It’s Good For Your Sex Life Too
The diet high in fruit and vegetables can counter issues like erectile dysfunction, while also reducing farting. It’s a win for everyone, really.