Classic abs moves such as V-sits, bicycle crunches and plank variations are not without their merits. But there are far more dynamic, not to mention efficient, ways to train your core.
The half-kneeling kettlebell snatch to windmill might have a clunky name (we’d opt for HKSTW when jotting it down in your Notes app), but it’s a smooth, fast flow that will develop strength in your abs while raising your heart rate and adding muscle to your back and shoulders. In other words, it’s an invaluable tool if your goal is bigger lifts, better posture or beach muscle.
“This is a total-body move masquerading as a core move,” says elite fitness coach Ebenezer Samuel. “If your core is weak, you’ll struggle to complete the flow.”
The more you practise, however, the stronger your core will become. Aim for three sets of six reps per side and build up to a weight that feels challenging but allows for – as per usual – fluid, controlled movement.

1. Kneel and deliver
Start in a half-kneeling stance, your right foot in front of you. Using your right hand, tip a kettlebell towards you; tighten your abs and squeeze your shoulder blades.

2. Swing for strength
Keeping your core tight, and your hips and shoulders square to the front, aggressively pull the bell back between your legs. Push your butt back as you do this.

3. Explode upwards
Swing the bell forwards, thrusting your hips forwards, then aggressively pull it towards your shoulder. Punch upwards as it reaches shoulder height, straightening your arm.

4. Brace and twist
Keeping your eyes on the bell, push your butt back and rotate your torso until your left hand touches the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades, then brace your abs and glutes and drive your torso back to upright. That’s 1 rep; do 6, then switch sides.
Pictured demonstrating the exercise is Tyriek Taylor, a New York City– based trainer who first fell in love with fitness while in college after battling an eating disorder.