New bestselling book, The youth formula

New Bestselling Book, The Youth Formula, Imagines a World Where Aging is Optional

The Youth Formula: Outsmart Your Genes and Unlock the Secret to Longevity

AGING IS A sensitive issue. Surrounded by media promoting youth, we want to slow the aging process, look and feel younger, or, at the very least, live the best possible life as the years pile up. In his bestselling book The Youth Formula: Outsmart Your Genes and Unlock the Secret to Longevity, author Naveen Jain attempts to show you how to stay healthy as you age.

The Problem with the anti-aging industry

Jain believes too much misinformation is circulating about avoiding aging and staying healthy as time progresses. You often hear a significant amount of advice thrown out about the best anti-aging methods. Too many  “one size fits all” approaches promise quick-fix solutions. In reality, however, Jain thinks that if you wish to achieve such aims, you must follow science-backed approaches established by proven professionals and practitioners who have devoted much of their lives to such endeavors.

The Youth Formula

The crux of Jain’s argument is that aging and longevity do not necessarily hinge on your genetic makeup or simple cases of bad luck. For Jain, our overall well-being is often determined by the choices we make during our lifetime. Moreover, our minds and bodies can remain youthful if we alter our mindset and actions.

Since 2017, Jain and his top scientists have spent much time and significant effort proving these hypotheses true. Jain offers brutal honesty.

“According to the NCD Alliance’s latest statistics on chronic diseases, 74 percent of us will die earlier than we have from an avoidable disease,” he said. “The great news is that we can reverse these trends thanks to technological breakthroughs and live into a bright new future.”

In the book, Jain shares his thoughts on topics such as your DNA’s impact on your future health and longevity and how to access health tools designed to help you remain healthy later in life. In addition, he shares his beliefs on the best methods for eluding illness, enhancing your energy levels, and maintaining wellness for prolonged durations.

Jain’s inspiration for The Youth Formula

Like numerous others, Jain witnessed the demise and death of many friends and family members from various illnesses. Something inside told him that these ailments did not just happen or were not the bad luck of the draw. He took it upon himself to truly learn how the human body operates and understand how factors such as the chemicals you are exposed to, your nutritional habits, and your lifestyle play into your general health.

For The Youth Formula, Jain and his team studied percentages of the population to find the answer to why some got sick when others did not. They examined the health factors of certain foods and how they affect the body, the idea that any universal superfood exists to improve health. Their research not only imagines a world where aging is optional, but Jain also gives us the book on how to outsmart our genes and unlock the secret to longevity.

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