New Research Finds Static Stretching Increases Muscle Growth

New research finds static stretching increases muscle growth in experienced lifters

High-intensity stretching for long durations could increase muscle mass – here are the details of the latest study

STATIC STRETCHING AND muscle growth caused a stir in bodybuilding circles last year when a study compared a stretching protocol to resistance training, and found those in the stretching group built the same muscle thickness as those who underwent the lifting routine.

As well as this, further studies investigated the effect of working the muscle in the stretched position, to find it has beneficial effects on hypertrophy. Now, a new case study has investigated the effects of static stretching on muscle growth, and the findings are positive.

The case study

The researchers aimed to investigate the effects of combining long-duration, high-intensity static stretching with resistance training on muscle size, strength, and flexibility in a competitive bodybuilder with 18 years of training experience.

The methods

The study included:

  • 39-year-old, elite competitive bodybuilder (Researcher Eric Helms).
  • A 12-week training protocol of daily static stretching of the calf muscles for 60 minutes, 6 days a week.
  • Stretching intensity set to 8/10 on a pain scale using an orthotic device.
  • Resistance training included 20 weekly sets of straight knee calf raises with three exercises: single-leg bodyweight calf raises, bilateral standing machine calf raises, bilateral straight leg calf raises on a 45-degree leg press.

Muscle architecture (thickness and other variables) was measured via ultrasound before, midway and at the end of the intervention. Strength and range of motion was also measured.

The results

The findings demonstrated:

  • Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion increased by 25.9% over the 12-week intervention.
  • Isometric plantar flexor strength improved by 11.4% from baseline to the end of the protocol.
  • Muscle thickness showed significant increases (up to 23.4%).
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The conclusion

The combined stretching and resistance training protocol led to improvements in flexibility, strength, and muscle hypertrophy, particularly in the plantar flexor muscles.

The researchers concluded: “Combined stretching and resistance training resulted in superior muscle thickness adaptations compared to resistance training alone (baseline) in a competitive bodybuilder.”

They also noted that the protocol resulted in increased flexibility and isometric strength over 12 weeks. However, they also explain that, as a single case study, these findings have limited generalisability and require further research.

What does this mean for us?

The researchers continue to add that based on the findings of the case study, it is worthwhile for trained individuals to experiment with similar interventions. We have further studies supporting the efficacy of static stretching, but not in experienced lifters. Although a case study, it explores these effects on an elite lifter with favourable results.

While there are limitations, namely that there is only one participant, the authors argue that the participant’s 18 years of resistance training make the observed muscle growth notable, as hypertrophy typically slows in experienced lifters.

Previous research suggests that combining stretching with resistance training may enhance muscle growth compared to resistance training alone. Stretching likely induces hypertrophy through passive tension, complementing the active tension of resistance training. However, without a control group, the specific contribution of stretching is speculative at this point. So for us, we should approach the findings with caution when applying it to our own training, as it’s difficult to recreate, and more studies are needed at this time.

This article originally appeared on Men’s Health UK.


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