YOU LOOK DOWN at your watch — 8:45am. You’ve just finished a morning gym session, spent too much time chatting to a gym buddy and now you’ve only got 15 mins to grab some protein and make it back to the office for that all-important 9am meeting. Between the gym and the office rest a few cafes and convenience stores. But what to grab?
Here, the best high-protein snacks when on the go and with minimal time to eat.
Rokeby’s Protein Shakes. 30 grams of protein from a complete protein source. No cheap vegetable proteins and proprietary blends with undisclosed ingredient quantities. Taste also cannot be beat.
Beef Jerky. Yes, jerky. Because dried beef is as clean as it gets. Again, very little extra ingredients, just make sure you check the fat content as some beef jerky/biltong uses fattier cuts of meat, so avoid those. Flavoured beef jerky can also have added sugar for sweetness so avoid that too.
Quest protein bars. Still the top bar brand in the world from a macronutrient, digestibility, ingredient and taste perspective. Plenty of protein, low in calories and plenty of flavours for every taste profile… hard to beat. Warning, don’t have more than 2 a day or the fibre load will pin you to the bathroom.
Protein water. A new alternative for those who don’t like milk-based protein drinks. A complete protein source but non-dairy based – like drinking an ice-tea but loaded with protein and no-sugar.
Fruit. Ok, very little protein but still one of the best sources of fibre and micronutrients. This will need to be combined with a protein source – I always combine a banana or apple with one of the above.
Next time you’re hustling between work meetings or just need a quick protein hit without excess carbs or fat, use this list – and know you can find all of these in any convenience store.
It’s also worth mentioning that from a cost perspective (dollar per gram of protein), these beat out most cafes and restaurants.
Here’s to more gains.