The World's First Connected Craving Relief Spray is Here to Help You Quit For Good - Men's Health Magazine Australia

The World’s First Connected Craving Relief Spray is Here to Help You Quit For Good

Nicorette’s personalised approach to your quit journey.

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To undo weeks, months and years of a smoking addiction — as unhealthy as it is — requires serious mental strength and willpower. Even with the known health risks, people still struggle, so much so that the average smoker takes up to 30 attempts to kick the habit. It!s unsurprising that many smokers will try anything they can (and feel like they’ve tried everything they can).

Quitting smoking has numerous benefits that go far beyond the obvious. According to the AIHW, by saying no, the 12.8 per cent of Australian men that are still smoking will have improved fitness, better skin and teeth, more confidence in social situations and much higher levels of fertility. Further to this, just one year after quitting, their risk of heart disease will have halved.

So in order to present new hope, Nicorette, the pioneer in Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) innovation and quitter support for over 40 years, have launched a new product that hopes to support smokers in their quest for better control of their health, with the help of modern-day technology. 

Now available Down Under, Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack™ is the brand’s fastest craving relief product paired with a behavioural support app for a seamless quit experience – the 1st Connected craving relief Spray in the world.

What that means is that the QuickMist SmartTrack™ uses Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to connect you to a behavioural support app developed by a behavioural scientist, so that you can track your progress against a personalised quit plan, track your NRT usage, set personalised goals and get tips and support on how to stop smoking – all to help you quit for good. And all you have to do is spray the mist for fast craving relief and tap the canister to the back of your phone to start tracking on the Nicorette Quit Smoking app, available on Android and the Apple store.

As we know (and anyone with experience will tell you), stopping smoking is considerably more difficult than it seems. But now there’s new hope as Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrackTM brings the world of health tracking to quitting, meaning smokers can benefit from the latest in connective technology, the latest in personalised support and their best NRT format for fast craving relief.

Smash your quit smoking goals, and get tangible progress reports over time with the Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack™, available here.

NICORETTE® products contain nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Always read the label. Follow directions for use. 

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