Partner workouts have been around for centuries, but thanks to social media, they’re the latest fitness craze in the spotlight. And for good reason; the phenomenon clearly has it’s benefits.
A 2016 study published in the journal Obesity suggests that weight loss and increases in fitness are faster when training with a partner. The study goes on to explain that the more time spent with the fitter individual, the more weight that’s lost. Seems like a bit of a one-way street if you’re the fitter half of the partnership, but as the saying goes; “if you’re the fittest one in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” Which is why you should be training with the best, right?
Enter 98 Gym. You don’t have to look much further than Sydney pain-cave 98 Riley St Gym to understand the benefits of partner workouts, a cornerstone of they’re infamous FYF (F*ck You Friday) workout sessions. Completing these sessions with a partner pushes athletes physically and mentally, creating some of Australia’s fittest athletes in the process.
So grab a mate, the missus or recruit one from your gym and give the below partner workout a crack, as demonstrated by athlete Christie O’Toole and 98 Trainer Matt Chapman.
- 1-10-1 Ladder
- Kettle-bell Swings 32/16kg
- Box Jump Overs
*chase each round with a 15/10 cal Assault Airbike or row sprint
Player 1 completes 1 x KB Swing, 1 x Box Jump Over, 15 cal Assault Bike.
Player 2 does the same them moves up to 2 of each.
The Assault Bike/row effort remains the same, 15 calories, every round.
Keen for more 98 programming? You can join the program online at