Are Video Games The New Meditation? - Men's Health Magazine Australia

Are Video Games The New Meditation?

Mowing lawns. Unpacking. Driving a tractor trailer through farmland. The strange world of yawn-tastic games might actually energise your brain and your life.

One cloudy afternoon in November, I found myself sitting at a gaming computer for the first time since high school. I was playing Lawn Mowing Simulator, hell-bent on masterfully cutting the front lawn of the serene Old Nook Cottage while navigating a digital lawn mower around the idyllic British countryside as part of a virtual landscaping business.

I was hypnotised, watching cut digital grass turn a slightly lighter shade of green. It was a far cry from my adolescent days playing the action-packed blockbuster Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, though the bad posture remained.

A game like Lawn Mowing Simulator sounds boring, but it’s actually as captivating as a first-person shooter – without the moral quandaries. I don’t imagine I’d enjoy playing Call of Duty today. When I was growing up, the game fascinated me: its intensity, its unpredictability, and the possibility of digitally dying at any second. Now that’s just a day on Twitter.

The pandemic and a generally depressing news cycle have changed my idea of what constitutes excitement. Euphoria has been traded for a constant state of stress mingled with meh. For much of the pandemic, my antidote to malaise was TV – seasons of Survivor chased by whatever prestige drama was popular that week and Superstore as a nightcap. More than two years later, even TV feels rote. 

Lawn Mowing Simulator makes me think of that Internet meme “No thoughts, head empty”. Playing a round offers a glorious opportunity to stop thinking and stare at lush, computer-­rendered trees while feeling as if I’ve accomplished a task.

That may be one of the reasons the game developed a huge fan base shortly after its release last August by Skyhook Games. In September, Lawn Mowing Simulator had more viewers on Twitch than the juggernaut Call of Duty: Warzone. 

Similar games are accruing mass followings, too. Machine-­operating professions like aviation (Microsoft Flight Simulator), long-haul trucking (American Truck Simulator), and farming (Farming Simulator) have a rich history in the simulation genre alongside alternate-­universe games like the record-breaking Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the resurgent Sims. Lately, appreciation has grown for games involving mundane tasks like power-washing and, yes, unboxing, in which you just remove household items from cardboard boxes. Unlike IRL moving, the game Unpacking is evidently enthralling. It is currently one of the top sellers on the game platform Steam.

Sitting for hours doing a virtual job or housework seems ridiculous until you look at what’s really going on when you play.

Boredom on the Brain

After two years of the pandemic, many of us need new ways to release stress. There are only so many houseplants to buy and candles and sourdough loaves to make (and eat). So it’s fitting that video-game usage went up at the start of COVID. Fifty-­five per cent of gamers said they used gaming as stress relief during the pandemic, according to a 2021 Entertainment Software Association report.

Research hints that they’re onto something. Michael Wong, a neuroscientist and assistant professor at McMaster University in Ontario, coauthored a 2021 study in Trends in Psychology that showed some stress-­relief benefits from video games. People in the study either did a body scan – a classic mindfulness-­meditation exercise – or played the video game Flower, in which players act as the wind and blow flower petals into the air. Though the meditation had an edge in mitigating stress, the video game had benefits, too. One theory is that they both change activity in your brain to ultimately tame signals from the amygdala, which is involved in fear and anxiety. The changes in the brain thought to be occurring here may be associated with reduced stress hormones and increased tone in the para-sympathetic nervous system. It’s our parasympathetic nervous system that’s “soothing” and makes us feel chill. 

So could boring video games be the new meditation? The new yoga? “The jury’s still out about the specific mental-health benefits of entertainment escapism, or video games specifically, but I get why it’s relaxing,” says psychiatrist Gregory Scott Brown. Just be cautious that the escapism doesn’t allow you to avoid what’s stressing you out and doesn’t evolve into isolation, he says.

The Game Behind the Game

After playing Lawn Mowing Simulator, I found myself more relaxed than I’d been all day. The swaying of the tall grass. The musical hum of the mower. Wong suggests it’s these ingredients in a video game – the sights and sounds – that may spur stress relief. 

Sanatana Mishra, of Unpacking developer Witch Beam, says that a crucial component to the game’s sensory experience and success is its many Foley sounds, the name for everyday audio effects like the noise of a metal pot being placed on a wooden shelf. According to Witch Beam composer and sound designer Jeff van Dyck, there are roughly 14,000 sound files in the game, probably more than you’d usually find in an indie title like this. “I went a bit nuts there,” van Dyck says. Based on early
user feedback for Lawn Mowing Simulator, developers upped the soothing vibes and lowered the taxing gameplay, according to David Harper, the managing director at Skyhook Games. Players enjoyed “just being able to take the time and do a good job, and then look back on what they were doing with a sense of pride,” he says.

Whatever the reason, these games seem to be working. Mowing lawns is chill as hell. While landscaping may not come naturally to me, virtually zooming around trees, shrubs and even a garden gnome temporarily pacified my daily unease. Maybe it was just the novelty of playing a new game, but I logged off feeling the elusive midday pick-me-up that an afternoon coffee never fully delivers. 

Who cares if my landscaping business is a flop? I spent 17 minutes and 30 seconds freed from the stress of living. 

video game

How I keep it together

When managing the Internet’s front page is your job and you have a toddler at home, you need organisation, discipline, balance and patience. This is how Steve Huffman, the CEO and cofounder of Reddit, keeps stress to a minimum    – Taylyn Washington-Harmon


Rise And Smile

Huffman doesn’t believe in alarm clocks. Living in sunny San Francisco, he’d prefer to wake up with the sun or by the sounds of his one-year-old. “She’s my natural alarm clock now,” he says, and he competes with his girlfriend to see who gets to witness her smile first. “The best thing is walking into her room and she’s so excited to see whoever it is.”


Start Lifting

An avid intermittent faster, Huffman skips breakfast for a morning weightlifting session at Equinox, followed by his morning coffee. Training for ski season, he adheres to a lower-body training program to prep his legs for the slopes. “Intermittent fasting is the easiest way for me to maintain or lose weight because it’s the simplest decision,” he says. “If it’s not lunchtime yet, I’m not eating yet.”


Get Uncomfortable

No two days are the same for Huffman, but every Thursday he walks or bikes to the Reddit office from his home for a weekly virtual all-hands with his 1300 employees. He gets their questions in advance  and he welcomes nervousness. In those stressful moments, he focuses on gratitude. “I am thankful that there’s something exciting going on, even if it’s unpleasant,” he says.


Break The Fast

Huffman prefers to keep his lunch simple: leftovers or a smorgasbord of dairy. Milk, cottage cheese and yoghurt are his go-tos for minimally processed protein to fuel up for back-to-back meetings about company finances or keeping the information of Reddit’s more than 50 million daily active users secure. “I’m always on this quest for more protein,” he says.


Read Before Rest

Completely unplugging before bed feels like a fantasy to Huffman, so he allows himself one piece of technology: his Kindle. Reading three to five books at any point in time, he keeps a running list of recommendations from friends and family. His current read? A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking. “I love my Kindle. It doesn’t buzz or vibrate, and it doesn’t have notifications. It’s just a book.”


Listen To Your Body

Huffman isn’t afraid to listen to his body. If he feels drowsy in the early afternoon, he’ll stop for a 10-15-minute nap on his couch to reboot and refresh. “I tell people all the time – if you’re tired, sleep. If you’re hungry, eat,” he says. “The answer is there if you listen for it.”

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