That said, there are exceptions. “Sometimes, it can seem like a penis is too big for a woman’s vagina. And if that’s the case, the important thing is that you need to figure out why it’s happening – because it can be solved,” says Streicher.
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There are two big reasons that your man-parts can seem too large. First, she may not be turned on enough. Really. “If a woman is not aroused, it’s very possible that a penis may not go in,” says Streicher. Or if it does, it could hurt or bleed or cause tearing. To fix this problem, be sure she’s lubricated enough before you enter her. Make sure you engage in some serious foreplay before the main act, or use lubricant to get things going.
Another possibility is that certain medications could be making her vagina a little dehydrated – and she may not even realise it. “Many low-dose birth control pills cause vaginal dryness, as well as antihistamines and even cancer treatments, like radiation,” says Streicher. So if she continues to be dry down there – even if you aren’t skimping on the foreplay – ask her to check in with her doctor or gyno to see if one of the medications she’s taking is messing with her sex life.
The important thing to focus on here is that this is a solvable situation. As long as you follow the above advice, you are not doomed to a sex-less existence if your penis seems too large. “I have not once seen a patient who hasn’t been able to successfully have intercourse after taking the proper steps to fix the problem,” says Streicher.