Members of the popular chain have spoken out on social media while Surry Hills F45 took to Instagram yesterday to announce that high fives are cancelled “for the foreseeable future.”
Speaking to PEDESTRIAN.TV, F45 Newtown member Katie Cunningham said that staff were avoiding end of session high fives but had left it up to those taking part.
“I think they said, ‘You guys can still high five each other if you want,’” she said.
“They just mentioned that, class started, and then we just didn’t high five at the end.”
Previously, we spoke to Dr. Kieran Kennedy to find out how exactly the virus spreads. He does agree that human touch can lead to contracting coronavirus.
“As the coronavirus is largely a respiratory (airways and lung) virus, spread from human to human is most likely to occur from respiratory droplets present in the air when we cough or sneeze,” he tells Men’s Health.
“Close personal contact such as kissing, hugging or shaking hands could lead to transmission too, as could contact with surfaces or objects that have been contaminated (i.e. sneezed on). More rarely the virus could potentially be spread via human faeces according to The CDC. With regard to spread from animal sources, unprotected contact with live or dead infected animals, surfaces/areas contaminated by infected animals or raw/uncooked meat could be means of spread.”