Watch Ivan Drago Pump Iron to Prep For His Return in 'Creed II' | Men's Health Magazine Australia

Watch Ivan Drago Pump Iron to Prep For His Return in ‘Creed II’

Rocky fans, prepare, because actor Dolph Lundgren appears to have just confirmed something amazing: Ivan Drago is coming back. That’s right: The actor who became famous for the role of the sullen, steroid-infused, Apollo Creed-killing, Soviet boxing machine just posted a workout video on Instagram that has us all in the mood to start chopping firewood and doing hill sprints in knee-deep snow. 

“Getting ready for something big!” the actor wrote in his caption, with a mention of his co-star Sylvester Stallone included, as well as the hashtags “#Creed2” and “#IvanDrago.” Anyone else pumped up right now?

The video shows Drago—er, Lundgren—doing some cable pull-downs and a grueling boxing workout where he is channeling everything that is Ivan Drago, all the way down to the gritted teeth. We’re equal parts pumped and shocked that the guy doesn’t really seemed to have aged more than a few years since Rocky IVcame out 32 years ago. 

And while this news is immensely exciting, it just confirms what Sylvester Stallone himself has been hinting at with very little subtlety for the past couple months.

For someone that goes by “Sly,” the man could use some pointers in cryptic messaging. Regardless, the anticipation for Creed 2 is at an all-time high. It’s fairly obvious that we can expect a match between Creed and Drago Jr., assuming Drago and his Soviet counterpart conceived a blonde clone. Either that, or the Russians figured out a way to make Ivan Drago an actual machine that never ages. In that case, Creed Jr., you better run.

Does this have you pumped up and ready to get in the ring? Check out the best and worst training scenes in movie history.

This article originally appeared on Men’s Health