Phase One: Triceps- Dumbbell Mechanical Drop Set
Pick a weight you can do 8 to 12 reps with on the first move, the weakest link in the movement chain.
Do as many quality reps as you can of each move. Do them in the exact order listed, with little to no rest between moves:
1. Dumbbell overhead triceps extension
2. Dumbbell lying triceps extension
3. Dumbbell seated overhead press
4. Dumbbell chest press
That’s 1 round. Do 2 to 4 rounds, resting 2 minutes between rounds.
Phase Two: Biceps- Six-Grip E-Z Curl Stack
Pick a weight you can do 20 reps with for a normal-grip reverse curl.
Do as many quality reps as you can of each move. Do them in the exact order listed, with little to no rest between moves:
1. Close-grip reverse curl
2. Close-grip biceps curl
3. Normal-grip reverse curl
4. Normal-grip biceps curl
5. Wide-grip reverse curl
6. Wide-grip biceps curl
That’s 1 round. Do 2 to 4 rounds, resting 2 minutes between rounds. (If you don’t have access to an E-Z curl bar, you can modify with a straight bar.)
Phase Three: Forearms Finisher
Grab 3 grippers of 3 different levels of resistance: heavy, medium, and light. (We recommend the new grip system from Harbinger.)
Do as many quality reps on each hands in the following order:
1. Max reps with heavy gripper on each hand
2. Max reps with medium gripper on each hand
3. Max reps with light gripper on each hand
That’s 1 round. Do 2 to 4 rounds, with little to no rest between rounds since you’re alternating hands.
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