How Long Does Oral Sex Last For? | Men's Health Magazine Australia

This Is How Long Oral Sex Should Last

There’s no denying that foreplay can lead to better sex. And sometimes that includes good ol’ fashion fellatio. Whether oral sex is part of the build up or the main event, it seems that, according to new research, all can agree there’s definitely a time limit to how long you should go down on someone.  […]

There’s no denying that foreplay can lead to better sex. And sometimes that includes good ol’ fashion fellatio. Whether oral sex is part of the build up or the main event, it seems that, according to new research, all can agree there’s definitely a time limit to how long you should go down on someone. 

According to new findings by Superdrug Online Doctor, oral sex should last for between 8 and 11 minutes, depending on where you live. 

When it comes to men and women, both had different ideas, understandably. But interestingly, Europeans are far more impatient than their American counterparts, opting for two minutes less of action. American women have the most stamina – on average, they think that oral should last for just over 11 minutes. 

The study had some other compelling discoveries. 

American women are twice as likely as Europeans to swallow, with 24 per cent of Americans always swallowing. Meanwhile, 35.5 per cent of Europeans never swallow.

And it turns out communication is key to a great blowjob – 72.2 per cent of participants are very satisfied when they communicate compared to just 61.3 per cent of those who keep to themselves. 

Further, 72 per cent of men preferred eye contact during versus just 42 per cent of women. 

But the biggest factor to women enjoying oral sex? How quickly their partner got off. Three quarters of those who found it moderately or extremely easy to make their man orgasm enjoyed going down. 

Guess it pays to pop the champagne bottle early.

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