Star Trainer Luke Zocchi's Hybrid Training Workout Will Wreck You

Star trainer Luke Zocchi’s hybrid training workout will wreck you

Hybrid training is exploding thanks to the rise of events like Hyrox. Use Centr trainer Luke Zocchi's hybrid workout to get your shred on

HYBRID TRAINING IS blowing up right now off the back of the fitness phenomenon that is Hyrox. Combining periodic strength training and metabolic conditioning, hybrid training offers a workout that can build both muscle and endurance, says Centr trainer Luke Zocchi, who made his name getting actor Chris Hemsworth into hammer-wielding shape for Thor.

“It combines strength and cardio intelligently – you get the muscle-building benefits of weights with the endurance gains of cardio, all while keeping workouts varied and engaging,” says Zocchi, who helped design Centr’s new Hybrid Strong program.

In putting together the program, Zocchi aimed to create a workout that prepares you for the rigours of an event like Hyrox – the trainer won his age group at the Melbourne event last year. “It’s awesome because anyone can jump in,” Zocchi says of Hyrox. “You don’t have to be some pro runner or hardcore weightlifter – it’s super flexible, you can make it as competitive as you want, and the atmosphere is electric. Plus, Centr is the official equipment provider!”

Luke Zocchi

Image I Centr

In recognition of the rise of running, Centr has created Hybrid Strong: Tread, which includes running workouts where classic run training styles like endurance, intervals and hills are incorporated into the program.

At this point, you might be wondering how hybrid training differs from other circuit-style metabolic programs like CrossFit or F45?

Hybrid training is more structured and periodised,” Zocchi argues. “When we designed our newest program, [we wanted] to methodically build both strength and endurance over time, rather than just combining exercises for a metabolic effect. The intensity and volume are carefully calibrated to prevent interference between adaptations and enhance metabolism for more significant calorie burns and overall health benefits.”

To succeed in hybrid training, Zocchi identifies the following keys:

  • Smart programming that balances intensity across modalities
  • Proper recovery between sessions
  • Good form in both strength and cardio movements
  • Progressive overload while maintaining endurance capacity
  • Nutrition that supports both strength gains, cardiovascular performance and fights inflammation

Check out Zocchi’s hybrid training workout from Centr:

Luke Zocchi

Image I Centr

Week 1 Day 1 workout


  • Sturdy chair
  • Light, medium and heavy dumbbells

Round 1

  • 2 sets with 10 secs between exercises, 30 secs between sets
  • Dumbbell front squat 45 sec
  • Dumbbell RDL 45 sec

40 secs rest 

Round 2

3 sets with 10 secs between exercises and 30 secs between sets

  • Dumbbell offset forward-to-back lunges (left) 40 sec
  • Dumbbell offset forward-to-back lunges (right) 40 sec
  • Dumbbell alternating pyramid wood chop 40 sec

1 set – Dumbbell goblet squat hold 

45 sec rest

Round 3

2 sets with 15 secs between exercises, 30 secs between sets

  • Dumbbell alternating lateral lunge + calf raise 40 secs
  • Dumbbell swings 40 secs
  • Dumbbell alternating curtsy lunge 40 secs

45 secs rest

Challenge Round

Complete 2 sets. Rest for 10 secs between exercises and 30 secs between sets

  • Dumbbell chair pistol squat (left) 30 secs
  • Dumbbell chair pistol squat (right) 30 secs
  • Dumbbell suitcase squat + chair toe taps 30 secs
  • Incline mountain climbers 30 secs

Cool down


Struggling to adapt to winter workouts? Try these tips from Luke Zocchi

Looking to level-up your tennis? Check out this cross-training workout from celebrity trainer Luke Zocchi


By Ben Jhoty

Ben Jhoty, Men’s Health’s Head of Content, attempts to honour the brand’s health-conscious, aspirational ethos on weekdays while living marginally larger on weekends. In his spare time he tries to get to the gym, shoot hoops and binge on streaming shows.

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