Steer your own adventure: How Cars4Us delivers Top-Tier rides for the Modern Man’s Lifestyle
How Cars4Us Delivers Top-Tier Rides for the Modern Man’s Lifestyle
Mark Wahlberg has been accused of anabolic steroid use, following a listing by convicted steroid dealer Richard Rodriguez. Along with actor Josh Duhamel and WWE athlete Roman Reigns, Wahlberg has gone on the defensive, claiming to TMZ that his impressive physique has been built by “hard work”.
Rodriguez was arrested almost 12 months ago in connection with dealing anabolic steroids following raids on his Wellness Fitness Nutrition company. However these new allegations come from a phone call he placed from jail, naming the three men among his clients.
The accusation comes at a terrible time for Wahlberg, who is currently in incredible shape in the midst of launching of his own supplement company, Performance Inspired Nutrition. “I wake up at 3am to work out for 2 hours, 7 days a week (bed at 7pm). I’m dedicated to living a healthy, active lifestyle,” said Wahlberg in an Instagram caption posted following the allegations came to light. With the effort and attention Wahlberg gives to his fitness, it’s easy to believe that his physique is the result of years of hard work and consistent effort.
There’s no doubting the superstar works hard on his physical appearance and strength, and has since the beginning of his career when he was known as much for his six pack abs as he was for his rapping.
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