Entrepreneurs coming in all shapes and sizes, with different motives, causes and goals. It’s what makes entrepreneurship such an exciting career prospect. The possibilities are endless, but is it for everyone. What makes a successful entrepreneur and what character traits can you draw on to succeed in your pursuit.
According to business mentor, chartered account and certified Joy of Business facilitator Devarati Sammon, the key to success is to draw on a balance of logic, creativity and mindfulness.
“One of the most vital assets any entrepreneur has, is their own mind,” explains Sammon. “A successful business owner is often one who knows how to work with all the facets of their own brain. They know when the time is right to be logical and rational, or creative and explorative, or to step out of their thoughts altogether and just be ‘present’.”
Given her diverse background and range of experience, Devarati often finds herself drawing on multiple strengths even within the same day.
“One moment, I can be compiling a Profit and Loss report; the next moment, I am feeling the flow of a magical new design. Through meditation, Joy of Business tools and mindfulness, I am able to discover moments of clarity and be more aware of what my business needs. I have learned to use my mind in whatever way the business requires of me, at any given time.”
Devarati believes that successful business owners are often those who are willing to move beyond their favoured mental functions, and strengthen and utilise all three ‘minds’:
MIND 1 / Reason, Structure, Logic
“It’s obviously important to set up structures and processes in any business, particularly financially. These ensure you remain aware of how the business is performing and what it needs to move forward. Logic and reason are the foundation of any enterprise. Things often change, but it’s vital to be grounded and logical as a starting point.”
However, if too much structure and logic is applied, Devarati warns, the business can lose its creative edge and be less adaptable in a dynamic market.
MIND 2 / Creativity, Intuition, Insight
According to Devarati, the longevity of your business often depends on your ability to be creative and intuitive. “When you open up to creativity and intuition, you start to allow more into your business. You see opportunities for new suppliers, or ideas for different revenue streams”, she says. “Creativity is where you tap into more than what you already know; it is where you engage your passion, and your vision.”
Devarati cautions that if a business is only run on creativity, it can be easy to lose sight of more mundane essentials, such as money flow and internal processes, and the business will suffer as a result.
MIND 3 / Mindfulness, Presence, Awareness
There is a growing appreciation of the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, and Devarati encourages all entrepreneurs to practice creating moments of presence and awareness. “When you go within and still your mind, you rise beyond your limited beliefs and discover a sense of space and possibility. This allows you to be less stressed, more rested, and able to tap into the ‘zone’ where creativity and intuition flows”, she advises.
“When you are mindful, you become more attuned to your surroundings, your staff, your own needs and the needs of your businesses. You enjoy greater clarity and more powerful decision making”, she adds.
According to Devarati, most people will not be strong in all three mental aptitudes. Her advice, in this case, is simple. “If you know you are weak in one of these areas, bring people into your business who possess the strengths you lack and be willing to listen to their perspective. Ensure these three viewpoints are equally represented in your business”, she advises.