Customers can choose between a half- and full-body suit.
The bodysuits are designed to give you the appearance of being ripped.
An eBay retailer has listed one bodysuit for $270 AUD.
Sometimes despite all your best intentions, the motivation to get your ass to the gym just isn’t there. Or perhaps it is there, somewhere in the recesses of your brain, but can’t quite overpower a warm bed, hot takeout, and a stellar Netflix line-up that will see you put down a three-day Binge with ease. We’re only human after all and until that Nike sponsorship rolls through, we can’t quite say we have the same dedication to crafting a gym-honed physique as someone like Ronaldo or Novak Djokovic.
When winter rolls around, our drive to get in shape falls by the wayside – well, at least for some. These colder months are spent rugged up under copious layers, finishing the ensemble off with a parka jacket that deserves only to be worn in the Arctic tundra. But this is Australia, and any weather that dips below 20 degrees Celsius is branded “freezing”. Indulging during these months might be a necessity, but soon enough summer rolls around and demands the showing of flesh and that’s where those who live by the motto “summer bodies are made in winter” rue the day. It also might just be why men are actually purchasing this “ripped” bodysuit in an attempt to fake it ’til they make it.
Courtesy of Taobao, you can now purchase a half- and full-body suit that’s designed to give the appearance of being absolutely ripped, and theirs are made from 100 per cent medical-grade silicone – which, we’ve been told, is the best material to purchase when it comes to trying to deceive all those you meet about your gym gains.
Depending on your desired physique, you can purchase an upper body, lower body or full body cast. If you’re after the kind of chest and arms that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a household name, look no further than the upper body suit. But should you want some impressive pins to go along with it, then you might want to consider the full body suit and let your instagram followers increase by the second as they marvel at such a physique.
If you thought this all came cheap though, think again. A retailer on eBay has listed the half-body suit for a staggering $270 AUD, which is more than a gym membership which could see you actually inch closer to getting those kind of arms naturally – without having to suffer through long and exhausting days in a silicone suit that’s bound to get all kinds of sweaty and pungent.
If you thought filters were destroying society as we know it, think again. The ridiculousness of this bodysuit takes the cake. But hey, here’s to 2021 for proving yet again that just when you thought you’d seen it all, there’s something else sure to see your jaw hit the floor.
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