How Sam Wood Packed Serious Muscle Onto His Skinny Frame | Men's Health Magazine Australia

How Sam Wood Went From Skinny Teen To Jacked Unit

While weight loss is a huge motivator for most fitness programs, there are some lads who are in constant search of gains. Not content with a skinny frame, these are the men who struggle to build muscle and have what scientist call an ‘ectomorph’ body shape. Or what us normal folk call ‘lanky’.

There have been many famous ectomorphs who have successfully transformed their bodies and packed serious muscle onto slender frames, including Brad Pitt, Joe Manganiello, and Australia’s own Sam Wood.

“I started training, not to lose weight but to gain it,” said Wood this week. “When I tell people I used to be incredibly skinny and it was something I was really conscious of I don’t think they understand or believe me.”

It easy to understand while people have their doubts about his skinny past. The former Bachelor and new dad is the picture of health, and carries a lot of muscle on his 6 foot 2 frame. 

“Since discovering training I have gained confidence, I have a belief and first hand understanding of what is possible when you put your mind to it and discovered that when you take care of your body, it usually takes care of you,” said Wood. 

Speaking to Women’s Health this year, Wood dished up some golden advice for those looking to transform their lives. “One of my favourite sayings is ‘Don’t exercise because you hate your body, exercise because you love it’. Exercise because it strengthens your muscles and joints. Exercise because it is good for your heart. Exercise because it is good for your wellbeing. There are so many people in the world who wish they could exercise, don’t take it for granted.”

Since his transformation, Sam has shared his passion for personal conditioning with the world, building a fitness empire in the process and attributing it’s success to his transformation. “My personal transformation was the catalyst for me to get in this industry and help people. Never did I believe I would have worked with nearly 200,000 people spanning over a 17 year career but this skinny kid is just getting started,” said Wood, referring to his extremely popular 28 By Sam Wood program.

Building Bachelor muscle doesn’t come easy however. Just last week, Wood hosted and participated in the Strong ‘1000 Rep Challenge’ at his Melbourne based gym, The Woodshed. The workout, programmed by fitness guru Michael Ramsey, pushed Wood and his crew to the limits. If you’re brave enough, give it a go, and thank us later when The Bachelor producers are signing you up to your own series.


Deadlift (60kg) x 50
Hindus x 50 
DB Lunge Single Arm Press (20kg) x 50
Toes to Bar x 50 
Bench to Bench Dip x 50
KB Squat w hand release (32kg) x 50 
Chin Ups (neutral grip) x 50
DB Snatch (20kg) x 50
BB Bicep Curl (30kg) x 50
Box Jump (30 inch) x 50

Repeat the above