The top three sex topics they didn’t want to share? Disclosing past sexual experiences, talking about anal sex, and discussing pornography were the conversation topics the participants thought their partners would perceive most negatively.
On the flip side, they thought their partners would most positively react to conversations about what they enjoyed most about sex, their specific sexual preferences, and their safe-sex practices.
Sure, sex talks can be difficult – and awkward – but they do signal some important stuff about your relationship, the study suggests. That’s because the strength of your relationship likely predicts how much sex stuff you’ll spill—and how positive you feel about doing so.
It’s likely reciprocal, the study authors say: The more satisfied you are with your relationship, the more sex stuff you tend to share. And after you share that kind of stuff together, you tend to feel more satisfied with your relationship.
So break the ice and make talking about sex part of your conversation.
This article was originally published on