Strength training could add years to your life expectancy | Men's Health Magazine Australia

The Exercise Regime You Should Be Adding To Your Workout To Boost Your Health

Running laps to keep your weight and health under control? There’s an easier option you might be missing out on and it’s guaranteed to give you a much more desirable rig.

According to new research, basic strength training could add years to your life expectancy. 

In a study conducted by the University of Sydney, including over 80,000 adults, results found that strength-based workouts resulted in a 23 per cent decrease in risk of premature death and a 31 per cent decrease in cancer-related death.

“The study shows exercise that promotes muscular strength may be just as important for health as aerobic activities like jogging and cycling,” says lead author, Associate Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis.

“An assuming our findings reflect cause and effect relationships, it may be even more vital when it comes to reducing risk of death from cancer.”

“Unfortunately, less than 19 per cent of Australian adults do the recommended amount of strength – based exercise. Our message to date has just been to get moving but this study prompts a rethink about, when appropriate, expanding the kinds of exercise we are encouraging for long-term health and wellbeing,” continues Stamatakis. “When people think of strength training they instantly think of doing weights in a gym, but that doesn’t have to be the case.”

The research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology is the largest of its kind. 

Not a gym junkie? That’s ok, try the the ultimate beginner’s workout.