There’s no denying that growing a full face of hair can completely change your look: more sophisticated, mature and masculine. So just how far would you go to get that perfect Abe Lincoln? There’s a real chance you’d cop a serious dry spell, according to research.
A study conducted be OnePoll on behalf of Honest Amsih found that almost one in five men would give up sex for a year for that ‘perfect beard’.
The Survey, which included 2000 participants, quizzed men about their views on facial hair and how far they’d go to get one.
Results found that 40 per cent of men would spend a night in prison to get the ultimate chin warmer while the same amount would quit coffee for a year.
Meanwhile, 18 per cent would go bald just to get that Ned Kelly facial hair.
The poll uncovered some other interesting findings: men care more about their facial hair than women while 73 per cent of men believe it would make them more attractive. Only 63 per cent of females thought the same.
As for whether to go more bushranger than five o’clock shadow, 22 per cent favoured a short beard while 19 per cent preferred a medium stubble.
So what’s it going to be? Facial hair or getting down and dirty?