How To Train To Be A Successful Male Porn Star - Men's Health Magazine Australia

How To Train To Be A Successful Male Porn Star

Recreate your favourite scenes by following these tips - by Stirling Cooper
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Stirling Cooper is an Australian porn star. He’s featured in Dorcel, Babes, Fake Taxi, Fake Driving School and about a dozen others. Cooper (his Twitter is NSFW) is also the first Aussie to work for Brazzers. 

There’s a lot more preparation that goes into having sex on camera than most people realise.

In fact there are a lot of different skills that you pick up as you get more and more experience and the great thing is you can apply them in your own private life as well for a bit of “enhanced performance”. Two key techniques that I use are “Kegels” and “edging”.

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When you talk to guys about improving their sex life, often you’ll hear one of two opposite problems, either they cum too quickly (premature ejaculation) or they find it hard to cum at all (delayed ejaculation).

Doing a combination of Kegel exercises and edging will get you to that sweet spot between the two, so if you’re going to cum too soon then you can stop yourself from ejaculating and if you want to cum then you can get yourself there whenever you want. As long enough to get your partner off and they get the satisfaction of getting you off as well.


 Kegels and reverse kegels are exercises that strengthen your PC muscle.

The pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle supports the pelvic organs and forms a pelvic cavity by stretching from the pubic bone to the tail bone.


Regular Kegel exercises can:

  • Increase the strength of your erections
  • Increase the length of time that your erections last for
  • Give you more intense orgasms
  • Give you control over when you orgasm, allowing you to stop yourself from cumming by contracting the muscle
  • Increase the quantity of semen that you ejaculate when you cum
  • Increase the distance that you ejaculate when you cum

WARNING: The PC muscle is just like any other muscle and after you do these exercises it will be fatigued so don’t go doing these just before you’re about to do the horizontal mambo, you wouldn’t do heavy squats right before the Olympic 100m sprint now would you?


Edging is simply the practice of masturbating without allowing yourself to orgasm.

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Yes you’re effectively giving yourself blue balls, but the benefits you get from edging can change your sex life.

Edging correctly can:

  • Increase the sensitivity of your penis
  • Give you more intense orgasms
  • Give you greater control over your orgasms by recognising the “Point of No Return”
  • Allow you to retrain your penis so that you can cum from different sensations (e.g. hard & fast VS soft & slow)
  • Make you hornier and more easily aroused
  • Increase the quantity of semen you ejaculate when you cum


Kegel Exercises: The easiest way to explain a Kegel is that it’s the same contraction you do when you’re stopping yourself from peeing mid stream. When you do that you’re contracting the PC muscle. Another example of a Kegel is when you have an erection and you make your dick ‘bounce’ by contracting the same muscle.

To start of you could do 50 Kegels every morning in the shower (without an erection) and then start to build up the number of reps by 10-20 every day until you reach 200 reps.

Then you can start to hold the contractions for 3-5 seconds during each rep. So you would contract, hold the contraction as long as you can, release the contraction and then start again. These will fatigue your PC muscle even more so you can start off with 50 reps and then add 10-20 reps each day until you reach 500.

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Once you’re comfortable with both of these you can start doing erect kegels, where you will do the exact same exercises but whilst you have an erection. This makes your PC Muscle even stronger because it’s essentially moving a ‘heavier weight’.

Try to work up to doing 1000 reps of 3-5 second hold Erect Kegels.

Reverse Kegel Exercises: The Reverse Kegel is the opposite of a regular Kegel exercise, the best way to explain it is the pushing force that you do when you are peeing that makes your pee come out faster and stronger.

Reverse Kegels are a bit harder to get a feel for than regular Kegels, so a good way to start getting used to using the muscle is to force your pee out as much as you can whenever you take a piss.

Then you can start incorporating this exercise into your routine the same as you did with the regular Kegel exercises.

It’s this exercise in particular that will allow you to increase the distance that you ejaculate when you cum and with enough training you’ll also be able to force a few extra spurts out when you cum by doing a reverse kegel while you’re ejaculating.


Edging Exercises: The purpose of Edging is to become more in tune with your penis, basically all you’re doing is masturbating but you stop just before you reach the “Point of no return” (i.e. the point at which you’re going to start cumming even if you take your hands off your penis). Then once you’ve stopped and you have become a little less sensitive again, you go back to masturbating and once again stop just before the “Point of no return”.

This practice of stopping right at the edge of orgasm and then starting all over again is what gives you greater control over your orgasms because with enough practice you’re able to feel when you are approaching the “Point of no return” and stop yourself before you cum.

IN FACT one of the ways that you can stop yourself from cumming is by contracting your PC muscle and doing a Kegel really hard, this will not only stop the flow of semen but can also stop the actual sensation of an orgasm so that you can then recover and keep having sex.

Once you start practicing Edging it becomes obvious that you’re going to be more sensitive and horny because you are effectively keeping yourself on the edge and building up all this sexual energy.

Most of us have masturbated the same way our entire lives, so there is a certain rhythm, a certain speed, a certain amount of force that tends to get us off. One of the other really interesting aspects of Edging is that you can retrain your penis to respond to different sensations.

But when you get yourself right to the edge of orgasm, you can then apply a different rhythm, speed or amount of force to your penis and it will feel really good and push you closer to the point of orgasm. So with enough practice you can effectively retrain your penis to enjoy all kinds of different sensations that it previously didn’t respond to.

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You can easily combine both these exercises, Kegels and Edging, by doing your Kegels right after you stop before the “Point of no return”, this will give you enough time for your penis to be less sensitive so you can edge again and it will allow you to get several sets of kegel exercises into your day.

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