The Big Beauty Lesson Miranda Kerr Taught Her Husband | Men's Health Magazine Australia

The Big Beauty Lesson Miranda Kerr Taught Her Husband

t’s not surprising to hear that Miranda Kerr follows a diligent skin care routine – she is, after all, the founder (and main tester) of the Australian natural skin care brand, KORA Organics. She told Beauty/crew that the dedication to the health of her skin and the success of her brand has had a surprising side effect […]

t’s not surprising to hear that Miranda Kerr follows a diligent skin care routine – she is, after all, the founder (and main tester) of the Australian natural skin care brand, KORA Organics.

She told Beauty/crew that the dedication to the health of her skin and the success of her brand has had a surprising side effect in getting her now husband, Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel, invested in his own skin care routine. 

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“When we first started dating, he had such dry skin and he had no idea. He’s a boy, he doesn’t even look in the mirror,” she revealed. 

But it didn’t take long for Miranda’s products to help things take a turn for the better, with Miranda teaching him a thing or two about caring for his skin. These days, he’s “obsessed with skin care. He uses the [KORA Organics] rosehip oil, and it’s completely re-nourished his skin. He’ll sit there and I’ll put it on him and he’ll be like, ‘Okay this is nice’.”

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And it seems like Spiegel isn’t the first man Miranda’s had a positive influence on when it comes to skin care. She also divulged her ex-husband Orland Bloom is also an avid fan of her brand’s rosehip oil. 

She said, “Orlando is obsessed with the rosehip oil, too. He made the weirdest comment to me once. He was like, ‘It minimises my pores’, and I was like, ‘Did you really just say that?’ He has a lifetime supply, and so does Evan, but its just really great when you see the results first-hand.”

This article originally appeared on