Kitchen COACH
The author of Dude Food and The Healthy Cook, Dan Churchill is also the Food Guy for MH. He’ll show you how to prepare classic dishes to satisfy the heartiest appetites
One day I was cutting up sweet potato and its shape intrigued me. I wondered: what can I do with this in a pasta sense? The answer? Cook up something awesome!
Don’t misunderstand me. There’s nothing wrong with making carbonara with pasta; it’s a beautiful dish. But using sweet potato is a change-up for when you want a lighter alternative that’s also gluten-free. It’s not better or worse than the original, just different. And, yes, cleaner.
How can you go wrong with a dish that has bacon, onion, garlic, eggs and mushrooms? Bon appétit.
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Pasta without the paunch
Subbing in long strips of vegetable for pasta slashes a meal’s kilojoule count. Here’s the lowdown on your smartest choices
[Kilojoules per 100g]