It all began when one Redditor told his own story, suggesting that a bad-break up was the catalyst for making a change, and improved mental health was the biggest benefit.
“After looking at myself in the mirror and not being happy with how I look and dealing with a toxic relationship that destroyed me mentally, going to the gym is honestly what helped me on a physical and mental state more than anything I’ve done. I know people may have different reasons or similar ones, but what’s your reasoning for hitting the gym and continuing?” he writes.
Turns out he’s not alone. Men are sharing their own moments of inspiration and for many, a failed relationship has motivated them to better themselves.
“It temporarily helps my depression. Although if I miss gym days I fall right back into depression. It’s what keeps me sane.” – @YoureSparePartsBud
“The spark? As a broke college student, the realisation that I can’t afford new clothes. The fact that the school provides us with multiple facilities to be healthy I deeply appreciated, I feel better both physically and mentally” – @BlurredEternity
“Initially it was looking at the mirror and hating myself. I was pretty fat and didn’t feel any kind of confidence. Now that I’m a full on lifter, its a desire to keep breaking my PR designed with me being confident in things like the way I look as well as my physical ability.” – @KayRay1994
“A girl I was head over heels in love with broke up with me (31M). Drank for a week or two straight, cried and screamed at the universe. Then at one point I remembered my grandpa who was a severe alcoholic and was drinking every day for 60 years. A realisation came of over that I do not want to end up like him. Packed my bag the next day and went to the gym. 9 months have passed and I’m down 50 lbs and have 13% body fat (the goal is to get to 10-11%). Already look ripped as fuck.
Still think of that girl every day. When I get sad I just pack my bag and go to the gym. It’s the place where I don’t think about stuff. A place where I can escape everything and everyone for a few hours. Helps a lot.
February hasn’t been kind to me mentally and it shows when I look at the gym visit statistics in the app. In the last 21 days, I’ve been to the gym 19 times. It’s pretty damn funny – the shittier I feel, the better I look.” – @Joghurt88
“My story is sort of the inverse. I recently met the most amazing girl, she checks all my boxes and we’re currently in the early courtship stage. She is in great shape and early on she told me how fitness is something she values. I’ve always worked out but since I met her I am really going the extra mile in the gym. I am doing it for myself, for my own health and well-being, but she really lit a fire beneath me to give it my all.
I think a good relationship is when each person motivates the other to be their best self. I want to be the best version of me I can be, to work and truly earn her affection. In doing so I will grow as an individual and then the foundation is there for us to grow together.
I’m not just putting in more effort in the gym but also with work and even with my other hobbies/interests. Again, it’s important I stay focused on me doing this FOR ME, to improve myself. But if I stay on this positive vibe she will continue to notice and want to be a part of what I have going on. It’s gonna be a good year 2020 let’s go!” –@1dudeabides1
“Same thing happened with me towards the middle of 2018. I was and am still crushed. For the last two years I’ve made it my goal to fix everything about myself that may have contributed to the relationship destabilising. It was obviously not all on me, but I know what I can fix. I’ve taken time to learn how to enjoy my own company and have found outlets for my mental, emotional, and physical energy.
My physical self wasn’t an issue (granted I was a stick that only ate once a day), but not actively taking care of your physical self has big impacts on your mental state. I started bodybuilding and went from 160 to 220 (pounds), cut down to 205, and am now working to get to a lean 230-240; currently sitting at 215. Eating healthy and consistently has been huge.
I too think about my ex everyday. I miss her and I’m generally a very sad individual because of it. Fortunately, after hitting the gym and having my coach’s programming just rip me apart, I have so little energy left that it’s hard to even be sad or upset.” – @GlassCat_