Ask the MH girls the questions you can’t ask anyone else. They’re three women who speak their mind, so don’t expect sugar-coated answers. Today we ask: Why do girls go to the bathroom together? What are you really discussing in there? It’s us, isn’t it?
Becky: Yes, QP, it’s absolutely you. But don’t panic: if you’d really stuffed up somehow,
we’d have already left – quite possibly out the bathroom window.
Nikolina: Well, I guess it depends on the scenario. Are you on a first date as part of a group or have you just met at a nightclub? I’m not sure your ears should be burning if she’s known you for 10 minutes.
Jess: That said, the bathroom break is always a necessary debrief between trusted friends.
Becky: Exactly! And what we say in there is a secret we’ll never tell.
Nikolina: It’s okay, QP. Sometimes we’re just swapping cosmetics. Freshening up.
Becky: You’ll know if there’s an issue when we get back. You’ll find things will wind up fast if we think this is a date from hell.
Jess: Which it may not be. We may be talking about how well it’s going and sorting out a cue for our friends to leave so we can have some alone time with you.
Nikilona: So, sorry, QP, but it’s impossible to be definitive about this. It could be a good sign, or
it could be a bad one. If you’re perceptive, you won’t need to be a mind-reader.
Jess: Hmmm, the cue. GET ME OUTTA HERE!
Becky: Haha, exactly.
Nikolina: If we come back from a bathroom break and suddenly have a sick cat at home, you’ll know the score.