After Ed Sheeran released his latest album ‘Divide’ on March 3rd, let’s be honest – we haven’t been able to escape the damn thing.
I have an older car without the luxury of an Aux cable, so naturally I rely on my radio to get me through long, torturous car trips. I wasn’t a huge Ed Sheeran fan before this album, and I’m no bigger a fan after the recent release. But I do know all of his lyrics off by heart now.
But to be fair, the distaste I have for Sheeran’s music wouldn’t come close to that of Clare and Jonathan Tidmarsh and their five kids, who were forced to endure their neighbour Sonia Bryce playing Shape of You at full volume on loop late at night.
Before this stunt, Bryce had already been jailed for six weeks for breaching a noise injunction 10 times. After the Sheeran fiasco, a judge sentenced her to eight more weeks behind bars.
Surprisingly, Bryce denied the allegation at the Walsall county court. Her defence? “I don’t even like Ed Sheeran.”
However Judge Philip Gregory was having none of it, ripping into the jobless Bryce.
“I am quite convinced that you do not care tuppence about the effect that your behaviour has upon perfectly decent and respectable people next door.
“Everyone is entitled to live in a degree of peace and quiet with the usual give and take of society.
“But you do not behave like a civilised person and you have got to learn that you will.”